Your Energy
Your Rules!

Switch is opening you the doors to a new world. Energy you produce and you control... In short,
your personal energy...


Produce your own free energy!



Lower your energy costs, increase your profits!


Why Solar?

Because it is renewable and has the highest speed of spreading all over the world. It is also advantageous and profitable comparing to conventional energy sources.


Environment Friendly

Are you afraid of Global Warming?
Here is the biggest contribution that you can make to environment!

With every 1 kWh solar energy you produce, you will reduce 620 gr of carbon emission. That means, if you install Solar to your home, you will be saving Earth from 6 tons of carbon... Every year...


In Your Control

With solar energy, your energy, your rules!

Downtimes in plants, transformers or distribution systems are not your problems anymore. Just continue operating no matter what.


Smart Investment

10 years depreciation,
30 years life cycle!

Return on Investment (ROI) for Solar systems varies between 3-7 years. Credit line up to 10 years is possible with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) funds. Moreover, you can benefit from government support by selling your excess energy back to grid for 10 years.


Unlike traditional fossil based energy, Solar will contribute a big plus to your profitability after ROI period (3-7 years).

As the source is Sun, there is no cost for produced electricity in the life cycle of the system (greater than 30 years). Even more, you can make additional revenue by selling the energy you don’t need back to the grid for 10 years.

Smart Investment


In Your Control





Unlike traditional fossil based energy, Solar will contribute a big plus to your profitability after ROI period (3-7 years). 

As the source is Sun, there is no cost for produced electricity in the life cycle of the system (greater than 30 years). Even more, you can make additional revenue by selling the energy you don’t need back to the grid for 10 years.

Smart Investment

10 years depreciation, 
30 years life cycle!

Return on Investment (ROI) for Solar systems varies between 3-7 years. Credit line up to 10 years is possible with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) funds. Moreover, you can benefit from government support by selling your excess energy back to grid for 10 years.

In Your Control

With solar energy, your energy, your rules!
Downtimes in plants, transformers or distribution systems qre not your problems anymore. Just continue operating no matter what.

Environment Friendly

Are you afraid of Global Warming? 
Here is the biggest contribution that you can make to environment!

With every 1 kWh solar energy you produce, you will reduce 620 gr of carbon emission. That means, if you install Solar to your home, you will be saving Earth from 6 tons of carbon... Every year...

Potential Solar

Irradiance potential of Turkey is higher than 2/3rd of the world. It is the second country having high irradiation potential in Europe following Spain. Irradiation in Turkey is 50% higher than Germany, which is the leading country in the world regarding solar energy system investment.

Potential Solar

The countries who benefit the solar energy most are not the counties having highest irradiation, but the ones who support it. Turkey became one of the investors of solar energy in 2013 with several government supports and special credit options.